Monday, December 01, 2008

Union Throws Stones at Wal-Mart

Some union, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, the largest grocery worker's union in the state of New York, said the Black Friday trampling death of a Wal-Mart worker was preventable.

I agree. Those people shouldn't have knocked that door down on top of the guy. All of them should be charged with something.

The union says Wal-Mart is at fault, which is typical. Any rational person knows the shoppers are to blame.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on Black Friday, two men were shot to death at a Toys "R" Us. I guess the union blames Wal-Mart for that, too.

Union antics slay me. They would blame Wal-Mart for the Great Depression, Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the Titanic if they could get away with it.