Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Plexico Burress, a Mayor and a Gun

I overheard some of the soap opera that is Plexico Burress and the Case of the Unregistered Gun. ESPN's Sal Palantonio is all over it. Palantonio reported about Burress arriving at a New York Giants practice facility for routine treatment for an injury. He reported about gun charges and police officers arresting Burress. Then, and this is the part that kills me, then Palantonio talked about NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sending a letter to New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, explaining what the NFL is doing about Burress and whatever.

Here is a really good question. Why is Goodell even speaking to Bloomberg about any of this? Isn't Michael Bloomberg New York City's mayor? As in like just the mayor?

He's a mayor. As mayor Bloomberg is supposed to do ribbon cuttings and attend high-profile fund raisers and what not. His role is strictly ceremonial. He is just a mayor and only a mayor. Bloomberg needs to step out of the way, stop meddling and let New York City's prosecutors and policemen do their jobs. He needs to stop communicating with Goodell and anyone else in the NFL. In turn, Goodell needs to stop communicating with Bloomberg. Goodell owes Bloomberg nothing in terms of explanations or anything else regarding Plexico Burress. How the NFL handles Plexico Burress and this gun situation is none of Bloomberg's business. Bloomberg is just a mayor. He's not the attorney general for the State of New York. He is not a prosecutor. He is not a sheriff. He is just the mayor.