Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Post 2007 -

Happy Halloween.

I'm celebrating this one by eating a Godiva bar due to the fact that I haven't had solid chocolate in a while and due to the other fact that it is Halloween. I firmly believe some kind of chocolate candy should be consumed on Halloween, even if it's a chocolate Easter Bunny from last April. (That's a good idea for next year, a leftover chocolate Easter Bunny for Halloween. I suspect there's some irony there.) Anyways, no chocolate on Halloween would be like no fireworks on the Fourth of July. It ain't right. That would be like no green on St. Patrick's Day. That ain't right either.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Eagles' Double Album - The Long Road Out of Eden dropped today at Wal-Marts everywhere. I got my copy. Did you get yours?

It's a double album by the way. I haven't bought a double album since Gun-N-Roses' Use Your Illusion I & II. They were on cassette. I played them until the tape broke on the second one.

Anyway, the Eagles' latest release retains that smooth southern California sound that established the band back in the 1970s. In other words, it's pretty good. The band recorded a lot of slow songs, and there's no equivalent to Desperado on either CD, but it's still nice to have new material from one of the greatest rock groups of the Seventies.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

William Shatner 86'ed From the New Trek - Shatner complained publicly in recent days that J.J. Abrams didn't cast him in the new Star Trek movie. The actor also said not having him in the movie was a bad business decision.

Shatner is probably right. But Abram's faux pas is probably a blessing in disguise for the actor. This latest Star Trek production might have the word "disaster" written all over it. I could be wrong. It could be passable. (It will never reach a level regarded as great, which is what first and second generation Star Trek fans deserve.) It could still be passable. This project really has a chance. But, if it is indeed horrible, the original Kirk, the only one that will ever matter, might want to thank Abrams for leaving him out of such an ill-conceived abomination.

Let's all hope the flaws in this thing aren't outrageous. There will be flaws, and true experts will see them.
Craving a Twinkie - I can't remember the last time I ate a Twinkie. I probably haven't eaten one since the 1980s.

I would eat the tar out of a Twinkie right now, because that's what Twinkies are made of, golden sponge cake and tar.