Sunday, October 28, 2007

William Shatner 86'ed From the New Trek - Shatner complained publicly in recent days that J.J. Abrams didn't cast him in the new Star Trek movie. The actor also said not having him in the movie was a bad business decision.

Shatner is probably right. But Abram's faux pas is probably a blessing in disguise for the actor. This latest Star Trek production might have the word "disaster" written all over it. I could be wrong. It could be passable. (It will never reach a level regarded as great, which is what first and second generation Star Trek fans deserve.) It could still be passable. This project really has a chance. But, if it is indeed horrible, the original Kirk, the only one that will ever matter, might want to thank Abrams for leaving him out of such an ill-conceived abomination.

Let's all hope the flaws in this thing aren't outrageous. There will be flaws, and true experts will see them.