Monday, May 31, 2010

"Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer"

John Grisham is one of my favorite writers. He is Southern by default, which is always a plus, and he knows how to spin a good yarn. Few do it as well as he. This past week, Grisham released his first children's novel entitled Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer. Per his reputation as a king of the light read, Grisham delivers a standard courtroom drama that is easy to digest.

Grisham's new protagonist, Theodore Boone, is a 13-year-old aspiring lawyer. Theo's parents are lawyers, and he expects to be one, too. Grisham portrays Theo as bright, grounded and interested in the kind of courtroom law that makes for great legal dramas. Since Grisham intends to make a book series out of Theo, it wouldn't make sense to portray the boy as one with a passion for tax law. Tax lawyers don't see a lot conflict. Naturally, Theo wants to be a warrior of the courtroom, a litigator. Of course, he gravitates to a sensational murder trial under way in his home town.

As of this writing, I'm about a third of the way through Theodore Boone's first adventure. If I weren't so busy with other things, I'd have had it finished by now. With easy language appropriate for an eight-year-old demographic, Grisham weaves an efficient yet detailed account of Theodore's involvement in a murder case involving a married couple. Even though the story was written for children, I have enjoyed reading it, and I recommend it to anyone wanting quick, accessible literary entertainment.

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day. Happy Memorial Day.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Writing Competition Entered

I entered a writing competition. One rule for entrance was a word cap set at 2,000. I wrote a little over 1,600. This is quite easy to do, so I managed it no problem.

Other hurdles included a $10 reading fee, U.S. funds only of course. Manuscripts had to be typed on 8 1/2 x 11" paper. No staples please. Submit original works only.

Yeah, the rules aren't exactly tough to follow. I have no delusions of grandeur about winning, so after the contest is judged and the winners are announced, I may or may not publish my story here. Haven't made a concrete editorial decision yet, but I would like to post some of my fiction here on The Blogadier General. Fiction is a good way to spice up a blog, especially when it comes from the blog's publisher. In the future, some of my fiction will appear on this little plot of electronic acreage. I just have to write it first.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nice Sunday

It is a slow, easy day so far, and the air outside is perfect. I will take it!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Submission Time

Aie yai yai. I need to get my short story submitted. (I'm entering a writing competition.)

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Considering a Literary Bent

For a while now I have struggled to figure out a direction for this publication. I may move in the direction of a literary blog. That is not a bad idea. Hmm.

Mother's Day Observation

Today is Mother's Day, which makes me wonder. Shouldn't Mother's Day be spelled "Mothers' Day"? There's more than one mother being honored. Just a thought to ponder.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

This Blog Needs a Camera

I have threatened it for a long time. One day I will buy a quality camera and post pictures to this publication.

I need to get on that. Yeah. One day. Maybe I should rename this blog The Blogadier Procrastinator. The procrastination here could almost pass as overachievement.

Over Four Years and Counting

I haven't kept up, but after a consult of records, I realized The Blogadier General is over four years old.

Didn't know that.

Writing Fiction

I have topped 70,000 words on a fiction project I am working on. The aim is 100,000 words, and I am sure I will run over. I feel only halfway done.

Finishing a novel is tough. I know I can do it though because I have completed at least three drafts of a previous novel. I will be relieved when I complete my latest.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Considering an iPad

I still want an iPad, and I still don't need one.