Monday, November 30, 2009

New Story Ideas

I've been reading Ford County, John Grisham's short story collection. Grisham presents so many great scenarios in this publication. His storytelling ideas have inspired me a make up some of my own, which I can't wait to flesh out.

For instance, I want to write a story about a blue collar laborer that suddenly wins a lottery jackpot. Lottery stories are always intriguing. The payout is huge, and the laborer has never dealt with so much money before. After a series of considerable gaffes, he learns the hard way that money management requires a bit of experience. He also learns a lot about himself and the people that surround him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Publishing Hiatus to End Soon?

I really haven't published anything on here in a while. Do I care? Not really. (Ha!)

I think I may write more for this publication in 2010, but only as long as it's fun.

The reason I stopped posting is because the posts became redundant. Then I discovered Twitter. And I needed to finish my novel. Then I wrote a short story, which I considered publishing here.

I also took up training for a marathon before sucumbing to injuries. It remains to be seen what I can salvage from that effort. I have also read many books this year, including: A Time to Kill and The Associate, both by John Grisham; Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer; and Angels & Demons and The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. All of these stories were good. All of the authors are incredibly talented.

Currently, I am reading Under the Dome by Stephen King and Grisham's Ford County, a collection of short stories the author felt couldn't be stretched into novels. Perhaps in the future I will try to tackle William Faulkner and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Pride and Prejudice is one of the most revered American novels ever written. I want to read it solely for that reason.

Anyway, I have been fairly busy in 2009. I hope to be just as busy in 2010.