Sunday, November 29, 2009

Publishing Hiatus to End Soon?

I really haven't published anything on here in a while. Do I care? Not really. (Ha!)

I think I may write more for this publication in 2010, but only as long as it's fun.

The reason I stopped posting is because the posts became redundant. Then I discovered Twitter. And I needed to finish my novel. Then I wrote a short story, which I considered publishing here.

I also took up training for a marathon before sucumbing to injuries. It remains to be seen what I can salvage from that effort. I have also read many books this year, including: A Time to Kill and The Associate, both by John Grisham; Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer; and Angels & Demons and The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. All of these stories were good. All of the authors are incredibly talented.

Currently, I am reading Under the Dome by Stephen King and Grisham's Ford County, a collection of short stories the author felt couldn't be stretched into novels. Perhaps in the future I will try to tackle William Faulkner and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Pride and Prejudice is one of the most revered American novels ever written. I want to read it solely for that reason.

Anyway, I have been fairly busy in 2009. I hope to be just as busy in 2010.