Sunday, April 06, 2008

You Maniacs! You Blew It Up!

Charlton Heston died today. He will be missed.

Heston was great as United States astronaut Col. George Taylor in Planet of the Apes, uttering some of the most memorable quotes in film history like "Get your stinkin' paws off me you **** dirty ape!"

And, of course, there was the classic rant at the end of the film where Heston, as Taylor, curses mankind for nuking the world into a hot sorry mess. And how, Colonel!

Heston was a staunch National Rifle Association supporter, and he served as the organization's president. He also voiced support for racial integration in the 1960s. He was the kind of social activist Sean Penn wishes he could be.

Oh, and Heston also played Moses in The Ten Commandments and Judah in Ben Hur.

Charlton Heston had quite a Hollywood career. He was 84.