Friday, April 25, 2008

Clinton Fundraiser Blinks, Switches to Obama

Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, who served as an ambassador to Chile during the Clinton administration, raised close to $500,000 for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Citing his belief that his candidate of choice can't win enough delegates or the popular vote, Guerra-Mondragon announced a switch to Barack Obama's campaign.

"I want this fight to be over," Guerra-Mondragon said, "the quicker the better."

Wow. I had no idea there were so many quitters working for our government in the 1990s. First we had Gov. Bill Richardson, and now this guy. Basically, Guerra-Mondragon is a quitter. He pretty much revealed the kind of stripes he has and his [flimsy] character. He wants the fight to end quickly.

His decision is like Michael Jordan quitting a playoff series only to tell reporters afterwards that he just wanted the season to end. How ridiculous would that be? It's like Tiger Woods walking off of the golf course on a Sunday and saying he wanted the tournament to end.

Way to grind it out, dude. And you are definitely a grinder. Your nerves must be made of steel.

And this switching thing says more about Barack Obama and the kind of ilk he attracts rather than Hillary Clinton. Obama appeals to quitters, plain and simple. He attracts the downtrodden, the ones with the "can't-do" attitude, the ones who need that all-important emotional crutch called "hope." He attracts quitters and the disloyal. He attracts the young and the inexperienced, the racists and the misogynists.

Oh yeah, and he attracts Ted Kennedy too. You know, the Kennedy clan is all over the map on this. They can't even agree amongst themselves on who should win the Democratic nomination.

I've never seen anything like this campaign.