Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Sad, Pathetic Demise of Madonna

The woman is no longer known for her music or her videos or even her fashion. Right now, her most relevant contribution to pop culture is imploding her marriage to perhaps the most stable man she will ever hook up with so she can cavort around with a ridiculous Major League Baseball personality.

Guy Richie was a godsend for Madonna. Her relationship with him made her look good. With Ritchie she appeared so bankable as a mother, as a spouse. What does she do with all of this newfound credibility? She compromises it with one visit to the home of Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

What sort of nut does such a thing?

Before the divorce with Ritchie, Madonna and Rodriguez denied rumors of an affair. Given Madonna's sex-crazed track record, all of the denials sounded flimsy. After all, she visited a married man at his home. Photographers saw it and reported it, creating a media firestorm.

The rationale was that Madonna was trying to promote her Sticky and Sweet tour. What a way to promote yourself, creating sex-laced innuendo with a married man. Nice.

Stable people do not behave this way.

She trades in Guy Ritchie for Alex Rodriguez? Alex Rodriguez?

This guy is all flash and no substance.

George Steinbrenner pays him way to much for what he does, making him a laughing stock, yet he doesn't seem to have enough self-awareness to realize it.

He allows a sleazy agent, Scott Boras, to represent him, poorly, particularly in public. Again, he doesn't have enough self-awareness to realize it. Boras does nothing to help Rodriguez's public profile. The guy needs a good publicist, like stat. A good publicist for Rodriguez would sooth my stomach.

And another major problem with Alex Rodriguez: He's an attention addict of the first order. I guess he and Madonna do have something in common. Remember that tasteless announcement by Boras during last year's World Series regarding Rodriguez's negotiations with the Yankees? Boras issued a press release smack in the middle of a World Series game. It was a crass move, beyond gaudy. No doubt about it, that was a tasteless thing to do. Never ever would I let someone like Boras embarrass me like that. If I played in the Big Leagues, Boras would not represent me. Period. Forget about negotiation prowess. Boras is awful. He and people like him are part of the problem with professional sports. So are people like Rodriguez.

Any self-respecting woman would see this, identify it and stay away. Not Madonna. How well or poor a man carries himself in public does not matter to her. But she doesn't carry herself very well either, so why should she consider that?

I love despising Alex Rodriguez. I don't get him. I really don't. I'm glad I don't. He's a weird, egotistical flake baseball player that gets paid way more than he's worth. He's not even a winner either. The Yankees should cut him off and kick him out.

Madonna should ditch Rodriguez too, apologize to Ritchie and her children, reconcile and get back to the business of raising a family. Those poor kids from three different fathers will wind up a little off when all is said and done. Mark this post.

Now we all get to read and hear stories in the media about Madonna's stalking tendencies. Apparently she likes to keep tabs on Ritchie as he navigates his high-profile divorce.

Now we get to see video of Rocco Ritchie dressed up in Yankees garb, courtesy of his vindictive mother. Wow. How classy of Madonna to pull such a warm, inspiring media stunt with her only real son.

Oh and the daughter, Lourdes, is in People dressed just like her mother, wearing identical articles of clothing in multiple photographs on multiple occasions. That's really not a good sign for her.

The bottom line is this: Madonna may still be bankable as an entertainer even if her influence is waning, her creativity has petered out and her new concert performance looks exactly like her old ones. But she has zero credibility as a romantic partner. It's unfortunate, but it's true.

This Rodriguez phase will not help her. She's back on the same aimless path she was on in the '80s and '90s. This time though, she's on that path with three helpless children, and she's in her fifties.