Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I cannot tell if I think Fringe is good or not. I have only seen one episode. Yes, it resembles The X-Files. Yes, it resembles The Twilight Zone, but I am just not sure this show is great. It is not as good as Journeyman was last season, and Journeyman is canceled.

The cast is not particularly compelling. Are the characters interesting people? Not yet. They do not interact with each other the way the Heroes cast does. Their chemistry is not particularly interesting. Do they have hobbies? What are their likes and dislikes, their quirks, their tendencies? What do they want in life aside from solving The Pattern?

Who knows if Fringe will survive the season. J.J. Abrams has made better efforts in the past. I may blow off Fringe and hold out for 24.