Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars"

I remember when the Clone Wars used to have mystique. When Ben Kenobi first mentioned the battles in Star Wars I didn't put together what that actually meant. I was a small child at the time, and I hadn't seen the film a million times.

Anyway, the Clone Wars, when mentioned by Kenobi, had a mystique that I don't think is captured in George Lucas' new projects. I had always envisioned the Clone Wars as a series of battles pitting clone versus clone. I never thought it would be stormtrooper predecessors versus battle droids. Honestly, it isn't weird enough. Clones fighting each other seems really creepy, and I kind of want to be creeped out by it all. The world still hasn't seen that yet. Furthermore, it's impossible to deliver creepy with perfect, detailed CG clone troopers.

Live actors are required to provide what I want to see. Anyway, I can forget about that for a while and praise Lucas for his new animated project, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I used to be of the mindset that if the project wasn't Droids, I didn't want to see an animated Star Wars universe. This Clone Wars idea might change my mind. At first, I didn't care to see it because I already had my tastes set in my head. I know what I like and what I don't like. It is nearly impossible to approach this animated film with an open mind.

This summer, I want to attempt the nearly impossible. I want to watch Star Wars: The Clones Wars and try to appreciate it for what it is as opposed to downgrading it for what it isn't. This project is different, and I need to embrace different.

I assume that Clone Wars is targeted to kids. That was the main reason I didn't want to see it in the first place. I didn't think I could relate to something like that anymore. Efforts will be made when I go to the theater.