Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday Results - Hillary Clinton did not wrap up the Democratic nomination. Barrack Obama still has a chance to beat her though he trails in the delegate count.

John McCain all but assured himself of the Republican bid. Didn't expect that. It looks like my prediction for Mike Huckabee will not pan out. Bummer! The Huckster will not get the Republican nomination. It's the first time I've ever been wrong on this blog! Double bummer!

Anyway, Huckabee should be proud of the race he ran. He did quite well, which is what I expected. I did not expect him to go on CNN and say he wants to put God in the Constitution. He said he believed the Constitution should reflect the Bible. I mean, come on! You can think it. You can't say it. His campaign lost crucial momentum after that.

In a way he kind of talked himself out of the nomination with those remarks. I thought he would talk his way into it. He almost did. Mitt Romney would have never said exactly what he thought. I think Romney does way too much of that. Huckabee doesn't do enough of it.

Assuming Huckabee does lose the nomination, the question becomes, does he run for president again in four years? He needs to get keep name out there, but if Hillary Clinton wins, one has to assume she'll last two terms. Why run against her just to lose? Huckabee should probably run anyway.