Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama Wins South Carolina Primary - Around half of South Carolina's voters are black. Four out of 5 went with Barrack Obama.

Boy, that's gratitude for you. With all of the things Bill Clinton has done for African-Americans, you'd think they'd pay respects and vote for his wife. Obama has done hardly anything for anyone, much less people from his own race, because he's only been a senator for a year.

When will people wake up and vote for candidates who have paid their dues in a public capacity? Those poor ole silly folks in S.C. voted for Obama merely because he's black. That's the only reason. It's racist really. The main reason Oprah Winfrey supports Obama is because he is black.

That is not a good reason to support a presidential candidate. Vote for Hillary. She's paid her dues, and she is a proven doer as opposed to a proven talker. All Obama has shown us is that he can talk. What major accomplishment does he have to hang his hat on?