Friday, December 07, 2007

Bioshock - I do not know who the manufactuer is. I do not play video games anymore. And it is not like this game is Pac-Man or Space Invaders or Tomb Raider even. Bioshock is not an iconic game that anyone should be talking about a quarter century from now. I have not even played the game and I know this.

I base my views on the sad, sorry commericals I see for this apparent debacle. The ads feature shots from the game with big band music and Frank Sinatra, and they are truly annoying. I do not know what the ad people are trying to accomplish with this. I guess they are achieving a desirable goal by raising awareness and catching consumers' attention, but there is just one problem. I do not want to buy this game.

I do not care to buy Bioshock. I do not care to play Bioshock.

The commercials are so annoying that I am prompted to blog about how annoying they are. They make no sense. Frank Sinatra songs have nothing to do with men in spacesuits engaging in firefights with aliens, monsters, rouge machines, or whatever needs to be killed in Bioshock.

For this reason, Bioshock commercials are awful, dreadfully awful.

These ad guys and their pretentious, see-it-coming-a-mile-away bid for irony loses in a big way. I have seen irony before. I am familiar with it. These ads do not feature good irony. Irony, when applied to commercials, should be clever as opposed to clumsy.

This game needs a new ad agency. The existing ads do not work.