Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Roger Clemens - As of this writing, reports have Roger Clemens, 45, moving into another phase of his career, meaning his pitching days are over. reports Clemens will start a "personal services" contract with the Houston Astros.

Clemens pitched for the Yankees last season, going 6-6 in 17 starts and one relief appearance. The Yankees paid him $17.4 million of a pro-rated $28 million salary.

That breaks down to over $966,000 per game that he pitched in. I'm not sure a win is worth $966,000. A loss certainly isn't. Clemens received $5.8 million for six games that he lost.

Such numbers, absurd numbers, bring me to my point, which I want to make crystal clear: That is a complete waste of money, even for six measly wins.