Tuesday, February 06, 2007

24 - This is the first season I have watched 24 on Fox. Is it me or is Jack Bauer crazy? What I find amusing about this character is that he'll do literally anything to coerce information from someone. I've only seen the show briefly and I can tell this guy has some fairly demented views on torture. Apparently, there's not a kind torture this guy won't use.

Another question: Are all of Jack's relatives evil? His brother, Graem, and father, Phillip, lose nukes and they don't inform the FBI about it. They keep things quiet and try to solve the situation themselves to save the family company and their reputations. Wow!

Then, Jack's brother Graem, or Grame or Greaeam, or whatever variant of the name Graham the 24 writers came up with, double-crosses Jack and his own father and sends them off to be executed. It's revealed later, in conversation between Graem and Phillip, that only Jack was to be killed. Phillip, in a previous arrangement with Graem, would not be killed. What a way to treat a brother. I see why this show is so popular! It's totally nutty.

Then, Graem's evil plan is foiled. Jack turns the tables on his brother, using torture tactics on him for a second time to extract more information. Yeah, Jack tortured him a second time. In an earlier episode, Jack suffocated Graem to extract information. These people are nuts! They don't seem to care one iota about each other, yet they're supposed to be related. There is some serious hate and resentment going on in the Bauer family.

After Jack has pain serum injected into Graem, he gets more information. Jack plans to send Graem off for more interrogation, but not before Phillip, good 'ol Dad, injects Graem with something that kills him outright. Apparently, Phillip didn't trust Graem to keep his mouth shut and keep from implicating him in a malfeasance of nuclear proportions. Nice job, Phillip Bauer! Nice! You are an upright man, killing off your own son!

The Bauers make the Bluth family from Arrested Development seem so tame in comparison. This 24 drama is Must See TV and it isn't on NBC.