Friday, December 26, 2008

The Blogadier General Leaving the Web

This blog will cease publication at the end of the year. That's in a few days. The reason is simple: not enough readers. I want to devote my time to something more productive. I thought blogging was productive, but it isn't as productive as I wanted it to be. I like to write, and blogging is writing, so it makes sense to blog if you want to write.

One downside to blogging though is that it keeps you on the Internet way too long. One 2009 resolution for me will be to spend less time on the Internet and focus more on the real world. Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, ESPN and CNN can monopolize a lot of spare time, too much in my case. And that doesn't include the sneaker websites!

I may start a new blog in the future, but not anytime soon, or I may bring this one back if I choose. The Blogadier General has been fun to publish, but daily posts prove to be a grind. (It's like actual work!) Anyone who posts daily knows what I am talking about. Anyway, thanks for reading!